Sunday, June 04, 2006


This morning, I went to Play Four, and there was a banner ad for a Discovery Channel special on the first tomb found in 84 years. I'm not that interested in Egyptology, but if I had cable, I'd watch it, both because my alma mater and one of my former profs were instrumental in the discovery, and also for Ken.

Ken was an online acquaintance, and I say that advisedly because he never let anyone in close except his daughters. He was a very complicated man, and I'm not going to say only good things about him just because he's dead. I'll just skip saying anything except that he was passionate about Egyptology, and I can't help thinking that it's a bit unfair for them to be finding a new tomb a year and a half after his death. *sigh*

Thinking about Ken and about Bill, another online friend, reminds me that smoking is a Bad Thing. Unlike Ken, Bill survived his cancer, but it wasn't a pretty process, and he showed much more grace and guts than I think I have in me. It does irritate the heck out of me when non-smokers say things like, "I forgot even some smart people do that [smoke]." Clearly, MissPriss, you've never struggled with an addiction in your life. All I can think when I read something like that is "I wish you a sudden infatuation with baklava and hips that grow like sunflowers." :-p

The garden languishes, owing to a week-long attack of swollen feet. I have no idea what I walked through last Monday, but it was toxic as hell, evidently. Nonetheless, the garden awaits the arrival of my plants from Spring Hill, and I shall get out there and plant them the minute they arrive. I'm also looking at Spring Hill and Brecks catalogs for fall bulbs, as both of them have coupons for $25 off a $50 purchase. Me being me, that is going to lead to spending $100, but I haven't bought a single annual this year, so I'm investing in my future landscape. That's right, I'm investing. *grin*


Jay said...

though I think everyone should stop smoking, I also know that addictions are quite difficult to break, both mentally and physically. So I don't fault people for not "succeeding" when they try... I simply ask they don't do it in my home or preferably in my presence... and understand that if I am "invited to stay with" him or her, that there must be an understanding that I expect to have the room I'm sleeping in to be relatively smoke free.

Just as my wife and I try to minimize cat hair and dander in our home, and especially in the guest room, in concern for our cat-allergic friends, we expect to be treated as if we are "smoke-allergic".

I'm saddened to hear that you lost a friend to the addiction... it is a most unpleasant and painful way to go... and everyone suffers for it.


Anonymous said...

Some of the smartest people I know are smokers.

I wuvs you (non-lesbianally) whether you smokes or not.