Friday, June 23, 2006

Rains on the plains and pains in the brains

At five a.m., I awoke mid-migraine. When that happens, the only question is if I'll be able to get pills down before my stomach won't accept any input. Today, I couldn't. I hate barfing, I really really really hate it. And migraines scare me, because in the last year, two people I know of have said "This is the worst headache I've ever had" while having a brain aneurism. The first one, a slim, fit, sixty-something year-old, died. The second, a heavyset thirty-something, is in ICU. So every time I get a migraine, I freak until it's down to just being a bad headache. I guess that's my last vestige of dramania lurking. *blush*

Since I couldn't manage meds, I took a shower with oodles of lavender bath gel, and then drowsed in the recliner with my HeavenScent draped over my head. Eventually, my body calmed down enough to accept a smidgen of water and three pills, and then it was off to nap, at least until Bosstopus called worrying about the unattended office (that's a shout-out to Sherri, who inspired me with "Bosszilla"). There were no crises on the voice mail, just a very bad thing which happened to one client, and something which I am not going to tell Bosstopus about since it is frustrating and anger-inducing, but not something she can do anything about, and there is no point in ruining her weekend along with mine.

After that, I took advantage of the short non-raining moment to let the dogs out, and then Littlefoot and I saw the Large Economy-Sized Chipmunk. I swear, this one was the size of a kitten! I even thought it was a frog at first, until it waddled off, tail held straight up the way they do. I'm not sure what he's been eating, but dayummm, that is one BEEG chippie! Must be something in the water around here, though--my lawn guy says Rooter is the biggest groundhog he's ever seen, although not as big as the ones his grandpa used to tell him tales of. Maybe it's due to the electrical substation across the street? Anyway, I'm keeping an eye out for more oversized critters...

The non-rain portion of the day didn't last very long. In fact, Littlefoot's time outside was cut short because *gasp* water started falling from the sky again and he just doesn't deal well with that. Meanwhile, I'm chortling over the fact that a gal on one of the message boards where I post said there was "psycho, almost unnatural" weather in Ohio when she drove through. There's nothing unnatural about psychotic weather in Ohio, it's always been crazy! Last night we had flash flood warnings and tornado warnings, and I drove out to my folks' house to find they'd had gumball-sized hail followed by rain. My nephews had a wonderful time romping in the rain and kicking hail around on the deck. *grin* The six-year old tried to tell Gramma that he didn't need a bath because he got wet all over playing in the rain. I'm pretty sure he knew that wasn't going to work, but it was a good try! I drove home watching the rush and tumble of water in the roadside drainage ditches, and thinking that if I had a ton of money, fully half of my garden would be water features. I'd have ponds and streams and fountains all over the place. Man, I hope my buddy Snicker wins the lottery. :-p


Anonymous said...

I will hire you as my gardener if I win the lottery. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Sorry, I am feeling twisted today.

Ok, I will buy you fountains and things. Sheeeeesh.

Jammies said...


And if I win the lottery, you will run my no-kill shelter at a HUGE salary.

Anonymous said...

PS, you need to fix your Llama link.

Anonymous said...

i dont think i have ever had a migraine, but i get these horrible sinus headaches - i used to use something called Migraine Ice, which was basically a patch of something soaked with what felt like the same blue ice you rub on sore body parts - but you put this on over your forehead....

it worked wonderfully, which explained why the company stopped making it (or at least the local grocery stores stopped carrying it)

yer correspondent from Eerie, PA

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm - Captain Conhead and Jiffy Pop Butt, slutty bisexual groundhogs, and now giant Mutant Chippies.....

Wot exactly do you bathe in again?

Yer halucinatory co conspirator in Eerie, PA

PS - one of these days i will see wiznip as the word verification

Anonymous said...

PS - the llama link seems to be working fine - you just got to take pity on those of us in the internet dark ages....