Sunday, May 20, 2007

Josh and the groundhog

The Queen's most recent blog entry reminded me of my friend Amy's husband Josh, he who cuts my grass. The first time I told Josh & Amy I had a resident groundhog, Josh told a story about one that was doing immense amounts of damage to his grandfather's plantings & plumbing. Josh apparently shot & killed the groundhog for his grandfather (NOT a course of action I will ever take, and Rooter is just fine).

The first time Josh told the story, the groundhog was twenty-five pounds, which is on the hefty side, but not totally unbelievable. Through successive re-tellings of the story, the groundhog grew to 40 pounds, then sixty, and two weeks ago, the groundhog was EIGHTY-FIVE pounds. Bigfoot, a malamute/German shepherd mix, is eighty-two pounds.

So yeah, I don't believe Josh's estimates much anymore. *grin*


Murphy Jacobs said...

Men can't measure, dear.

Remind me to explain that to you in July, when The Husband will blush very much :D

Jammies said...

I know that my ex and I had a marked difference of opinion on how tall exactly 5'9" was and how long 8" was.