Cleveland Amory once said that only men could be curmudgeons. Fine. I've set out to be a curmudgeonette.
I'm middle-aged, single, owned by a stubborn dog and so white bread all my clothes should say "Wonder." If it weren't for a few little quirks, I would be absolutely indistinguishable from other Midwestern females.
Thursday, June 05, 2008
I haz a zombie!
He is custom made from socks I sent Erin. You should go look at him and then buy a different zombie from her!
Oh, and Erin gave me a high-water mark in my life. I mean, how often does someone say to you, "Yours [zombie] is done, Jammies, I'm just waiting for his blood to dry"?
1 comment:
Now I want a custom sock zombie. And it isn't like I don't have any socks.
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