Cleveland Amory once said that only men could be curmudgeons. Fine. I've set out to be a curmudgeonette.
I'm middle-aged, single, owned by a stubborn dog and so white bread all my clothes should say "Wonder." If it weren't for a few little quirks, I would be absolutely indistinguishable from other Midwestern females.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
You wouldn't think two hours of work and six hours of training would be more tiring than eight hours of work, but I'm exhausted.
My arm hurts like hell.
Driving home was a nightmare--the rain was so heavy the freeway traffic was at a standstill.
I burned my tongue.
*looks at ticker*
I can haz JammiesFest naow?
Oh, and be jealous--the lovely Kogi sent me a commemorative mug.
Poor Jammies!
I start work on the tiaras tomorrow :)
That mug's the keenest!
Mallie--Yaaaay! *Kermin arm-waving*
Scott, I think all the fifties graphics are starting to get to you. Frankly, I'm a little alarmed.
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