Cleveland Amory once said that only men could be curmudgeons. Fine. I've set out to be a curmudgeonette.
I'm middle-aged, single, owned by a stubborn dog and so white bread all my clothes should say "Wonder." If it weren't for a few little quirks, I would be absolutely indistinguishable from other Midwestern females.
Monday, June 09, 2008
Things not to do on Monday
At least not in this particular order:
1. Apply hydrocortisone cream to itchy spot on left hand, using fingers of right hand. 2. Alternate between using pen & highlighter with right hand. 3. Nibble thoughtfully on end of pen. 4. Wonder why your lips are numb.
Sorry your lips went numb, but this gave me a little chuckle this evening.
Oops indeed. ;)
Ya know...
That sounds like something I would do.jfnfqi
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