Sunday, October 12, 2008

Dear Snickers,

Damn you, you horrible man. Okay, granted, I lent you some of my Terry Pratchett books, the ones about Death, but that did not call for such an extreme level of retaliation!

I have been pretty much safe from reading science fiction since Ender's Game and its sequels. I adored those books, but I thought there wasn't much new out there.

Did you really need to send me a copy of Hyperion? It was so good that not only did I finish it today, I did something I am not supposed to do under any circumstances.

I went to Borders.

Yes, I went to an actual brick and mortar bookstore, and worse, I paid retail! *gasp of horror*

To make matters worse, I couldn't just buy the two books that complete the Hyperion series. *bitter laugh* No, I bought four other books.

Why did you do this to me, Snickers, WHYYYYY?


Jay said...

You poor poor dear. How will you recover from such a slip off the virtuous path!?!

Jammies said...

Just don't tell Flannel Jammies on me, hokay?

Anonymous said...

See in my mind there are few things better then wandering around a Borders or a Barnes and Noble and going book hunting. Yeah, I know you can sample books online in the comfort of your own home - doggie snoring at your feet, red jammies on, and purchase the books you need.

But to wander a Borders or, better yet, a Barnes and Noble, perusing the titles, even grabbing a book or two and sitting in a comfy chair and reading, with the soft music playing in the background....

Sometimes it takes me a while to decide if i want to buy a book or not - can think of one book where it was a couple of weeks of going back and forth - thinking, do i want this or not...

(now I used to do the whole go and get a hot cup of coffee thing, until i discovered the benefits of Tim Hortons and changed my tune completely....)

(by the way i actually met Canadians that don't like Tim Hortons - i figured they were coming to the US for sanctuary and had renounced their Canadian citizenship)

Romantic Heretic said...


I'm having the same problem with Harry Dresden. ;)