Monday, September 04, 2006

The decision has been made.

Although it was pretty much a foregone conclusion. Anguished meditations aside, I shall continue to feed the feral black kitty living in my hydrangea bush. While it is possible that if I stopped feeding him or her, he or she might move on to a new and better living situation, it's also possible that the kitty would cross the high traffic street and wind up roadkill, or wind up someplace where there are no big dumb softies to feed feral cats.

This means that very soon, I will need to face a day with no pain meds so I can zip over to the grocery store and get some more cat food. I've been trying to cut down on the pain meds because I'd like to spend a larger portion of my day awake, but the aches that ensue when I skip a dose make me long for oblivion. Having counted, I know I have enough pills to get me through until Thursday, when I see the doc again. Hopefully, by then the pain will be minimal.

I just realized I'm not eligible for the Halloween contest, thanks to the third place win in Lit's How To contest. Still, I think "Night of the Darned" is pretty good sock horror, and it will be submitted with the other contest entries. Given that some people have upwards of ten stories to submit, I'm sort of glad I'm not eligible to me an automatic out.

This is going to be one boring blog until I stop taking the Darvocet. Or until I start writing down the weird dreams this stuff is giving me...


Murphy Jacobs said...

I vote for the dreams

Anonymous said...

Hey, you didn't tell them about the handsome dude that was holding your hand all through the surgery!! )-:P

Anonymous said...

dem is not otterses