Friday, September 15, 2006


Mom was nice enough to drive me to & from work yesterday and today, and we managed to get in a little conversation on the way. As usual, we talked about everything from hydrangeas to politics and everything in between. On the way home today, we were talking about the internet and relationships, and I said that it was very funny that for all the times I've had to chat with Bookworm Mathgeek, there were many things I didn't learn about her until she started commenting on my blog.

Mom's response was, "She reads your blog?" in a surprised tone.

"Yes, Mom."

"That's awfully nice of her--have you thanked her?"


I must bore Mom's socks off now & again, that's the only way I can explain that reaction. She's right about manners, though, so thank you to each and every person who takes the time to read my silly little scribblings.


Anonymous said...

Pish tosh!! Silly scribblings are what makes the world a nicer place to be. Well, that and the fact that they came from your mind. (-:D

Anonymous said...

Your fashionable spotted brain ramblings are part of a complete breakfast and give me 100% of the mdr of my vitamin J.

I also believe that mama jammies lingers under the impression that you are still in highschool.

Never mind me, I am just jealous.

Anonymous said...

That is such a typical "Mom" move!

*simultaneous giggle & eyeroll*

That's just what moms do. Yours reminds you to thank people for stuff that doesn't really need thanking, and mine bothers me to curl my hair and put on lipstick before I leave the house. Nevermind that I don't even own a curling iron and my hair is naturally curly (or at least wavy)... it's just what she thinks should be done for me to be presentable.

If this were some complicated academic research site, perhaps then, a thanks for reading might be in order.

But this is a blog. It's well-written, amusing, informative, and a welcome part of my day. I enjoy it.

One more thing that you probably didn't know about me... when you mentioned that you read Lost recaps but don't watch the show, I felt a twinge of pity for you, for all the shirtless Jin, Sayid and Sawyer that you're missing. Recaps just can't give you that.

Jammies said...

"when you mentioned that you read Lost recaps but don't watch the show, I felt a twinge of pity for you, for all the shirtless Jin, Sayid and Sawyer that you're missing. Recaps just can't give you that."

Perhaps I'll have to watch an episode or two. I understand Sayid is quite the hottie.

The other "Mom thing," of course, is "Lock your doors!"