Cleveland Amory once said that only men could be curmudgeons. Fine. I've set out to be a curmudgeonette.
I'm middle-aged, single, owned by a stubborn dog and so white bread all my clothes should say "Wonder." If it weren't for a few little quirks, I would be absolutely indistinguishable from other Midwestern females.
That costume rocks, hands down. When I told Mel about it, she started laughing her ass off about it. Come to think of it, she needs to laugh a bit more of it off...
Otterboyy, it's been nice knowing you, sweetie. When Mel kills you, do you want flowers at your funeral, or just a donation in your name to SmartAsses Anonymous?
It's a little unfortunate how much your costume rocks, given the circumstances.
That costume rocks, hands down. When I told Mel about it, she started laughing her ass off about it. Come to think of it, she needs to laugh a bit more of it off...
The previous comment was brought to you by the nationally acclaimed personality, "Otterboyy"
*appropriate musical fanfare here*
TMT, let's just call it psychic.
Otterboyy, it's been nice knowing you, sweetie. When Mel kills you, do you want flowers at your funeral, or just a donation in your name to SmartAsses Anonymous?
I would prefer a donation to the small and somewhat ambiguous group "Men who tell their wives the truth" AKA DEAD.
P.S. As I'm posting this comment it wanted me to type "dritypo"
Maybe it's because it's 5:42am, but I think I was just given a miss-spelled opinion by the Captcha software....
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