Friday, December 15, 2006

Ms. CraftyButt

The fruits of several nights' labor, all laid out and ready to wrap & pack:

The pale yellow is raspberry lemonade, the purple bath salts are lavender, the light purple soaps & fizzies are pearberry, the deep red is carnation/rose, the dark purple soaps are cherry, the yellow/green soaps are lemongrass, the pale orange is spiced citrus, the bright blue is peppermint and the dark red/cream/orange are various combos of clove, cinnamon, orange and vanilla.

Off to pack all this stuff for shipping! :-)


Murphy Jacobs said...

I see someone needs to inheret all of my soapmaking stuff.....

Anonymous said...

Cool work, Jammies


KLN said...

I want to know who provided the mold for some of them!

Jammies said...

lol! sells the molds--want a "special" soap? ;-)