Sunday, January 04, 2009

Happy New Year and all that jazz

No 2008 in review post for me. Much of the year sucked, and I'd rather be all Pollyannaish and just remember the good stuff, like the Disney Cruise and JammiesFest.

I don't do resolutions, but that doesn't mean I don't make up my mind to change or tackle things about my life. I just don't believe in setting myself up for failure with a hardline do-or-die goal. I do have an appointment with a dermatologist on Thursday, to see about the psoriasis on my elbows and what I think is probably a sebaceous cyst on my back. I have learned from my father not to look for solutions to psoriasis online. He gave up when he ran across two websites in a row stating that the only "cure" for it is prayer. I've also learned from the estimable Becs not to google sebacious cysts. If a woman with ten cats is grossed out by the results, I'm not going near that.

Mom and I worked yesterday morning on an accounting, then I went to the dentist for a cleaning, then home to pick up frantically before a co-worker arrived. Vintage Attorney bought two ugly '70s chairs from my mother, and they've been residing at my house since Christmas Eve. VA came down to pick them up, and she wanted a tour of Casa de Jammies because it is a classic midcentury ranch.

She loved the house, and even loved the oooooogly '70s Mylar wallpaper (I offered to peel it off and give it to her, but she didn't take me up on that), but what she loved most of all were the 'Foots.

Right before Christmas, VA had to have the older of her two dogs euthanized. Apparently, he looked pretty much like an all-black version of Bigfoot. When she met the dogs, Littlefoot was his usual charming, overgrown-puppy self, and Bigfoot surprised me. He is usually pretty standoffish with strangers, but he showed VA all the warmth and gentleness he can show me. He seemed to understand that she needed fuzz therapy especially from him, and he did his best to provide it. Of course, that kind of response always evokes a "Metoo metoo!" reaction in Littlefoot, so VA got swarmed with puppehlove the whole time we chatted.

Bigfoot has seemed slower and frailer the past week or so, and I'm just dreading what I know but can't believe in my heart will happen. He's fifteen now, and mortal like all of us, but I can't imagine that he'll leave me.

Okay, now I have to go hug my heartdog.

Edited to say that either Bigfoot is just feeling extra lovey these days or he's really being sensitive to moods. When I laid down for my nap today, he cuddled up behind my knees the way he used to, and didn't move until I woke up.


Romantic Heretic said...

My year wasn't the greatest either, Jammies. Although the Fest was a high point.

Give the big lump a *HUG* from me too.

Murphy Jacobs said...

2008 was not a banner year here, either, although it had major high points.

Give much hugging to Da 'Foots for me!

Zayrina said...

I still cry over losing Allie. I love Tessa but it just can't take away the pain of losing a best friend. When Tessa goes I don't think I will do any dogs any more. It just gets to be too much.