Monday, May 31, 2010

Gardening progress

I was outside from 7 to 10:30, when it got much too hot for me. I have a flaming sunburn on my face despite "sweat-proof" sunblock, I got two or three wheelbarrow loads of weeds to the compost heap and the round front bed is now ready for newsprint, topsoil, new plants and mulch, which I will do this evening. :)


the queen said...

Good for you! I've been asleep.

Murphy Jacobs said...

It rained most of the day. When it stopped raining, it started steaming. I stayed inside.

Jammies said...

Sleep is good, Your Majesty, especially for someone who's been alive longer than SNL. :p

Sherri, it steamed here yesterday and probably will today. Ugh.