Doc went with me today to pick up Smoky. I'm keeping the name she already had, and adding a middle name so she knows when she's in trouble. Smoky Moon is the BPAL perfume I didn't get so I could afford the adoption fee, and she's totally worth it. There has been surprisingly little conflict with Littlefoot, just a bit of snapping when she thought he was trying too hard. She's adorable, and it's hard to understand why she was given to the pound by her former owner all of three days after Christmas. She's just about a year old, and although her foster owner called her a Shepherd mix, the jerk who surrendered her said she was a Rottweiler/Lab mix. I hope she has some Shep in her for the longevity, because I want to have her around for a long time.
We spent about twenty minutes in full sun at Pawprint Paradise so Smoky could get comfortable with me, and bless her heart, Doc didn't blink once at doing it. Then she drove home so I could sit in the back seat with Smoky, who fell asleep with her head on my shoulder at one point. There will be more pictures and plenty of stories, but right now, I wanted everyone to know that I once more am owned by two dogs.
Great...after finally learning to call Stormy "Stormy" instead of Smokey, I'm gonna be all confused again...
Or maybe I was just prescient. Yeah, that's it!
(We were in Petsmart today, considering puppyshower gifts)
Okay, the little girl looks adorable, but please confirm for me... is she "Stormy Moon" (as in your first sentence) or "Smokey Moon" as you state later on?
What's wrong with my first sentence? ;)
She is Smoky Moon, Jay, and yes, Sherri, you were being prescient. :D
Pamalamala that's just awesome!
I'm so happy for you!!!!!!! What a cocker too? *looks over should for mel*
boy - is Beau going to need to get on his game now...
Dat is a booytful girl....
Wonderful!! Congratulations! And welcome home, Moon Doggie.
What a sweetheart. I'm so happy for you, Jammies. :)
Came by to say hello, hope you are doing well.
Smoky Moon looks like a lovely dog
annd sounds like it was love at first sight.
Otter and Mel, thanks for the good wishes. I hope you get to meet her someday.
Mike, see the next entry for how Littlefoot is handling her.
Becs, she wags her tail in your general direction.
Rob, only two weeks and a day until you meet her!
Herrad, thank you, and yes, she is lovely.
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